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Trolle Advokatfirma


Attorney (High Court) - Partner

Main areas of work:

  • Personal injury compensation
  • Work-related injuries
  • Fall accidents
  • Traffic accidents
  • Victim of a crime
  • Patient injury
  • Litigation
  • Insurance cases
  • Maritime Law
  • Probate
  • Debt settlement schemes

Other information:

  • Member of Foreningen for Erstatnings- og Forsikringsret (FEF) (Compensation and Insurance Law Association)
  • Member of PTU – Landsforeningen for Polio, Trafik- og Ulykkesskadede (National Association of Polio, Traffic and Accident Injured)
  • Member of Danske Arveretsadvokater (Danish Inheritance Law Lawyers)
  • Member of Bistandsadvokaternes Landsforening (The national association of legal aid lawyers)